Jonesboro Arkansas Realtors-How To Use Article Marketing

Are Jonesboro Arkansas Realtors waking up to internet marketing? If you aren't you could be missing out on a lot of new customers and new customers mean commissions. You can increase your income greatly by implementing no cost internet marketing methods.

My favorite method of no cost internet marketing that I would like to share with Jonesboro Arkansas realtors is Article Marketing. To be effective at this type of no cost marketing you need to practice. The best way to learn is to try. The more articles you write the better you will get. The main thing you need to do is get some articles out there working for you. Here are the steps that Jonesboro Arkansas Realtors should take in their article marketing campaign.

1. Research what keywords that your potential customers would look for to find your site like Jonesboro Arkansas real estate. You need to find some that do not have a lot of competition so you can rank high with the search engines.

2. Start writing articles that are optimized for these specific keywords. Sprinkle them through your article in manner that looks natural.

3. Submit these articles to the article directories. There are many directories online to submit to and it usually take a few days to a week for your article to go live if they are accepted after review.

4.Put a link within your article or the resource box of your article to point to your blog or website. This is called a backlink and will help to raise your position with the search engines.

Jonesboro Arkansas realtors can use this idea to promote their business at no cost. Also all of the tools required to employ this strategy can be found online at no cost to you.

What is the reason that Jonesboro Arkansas realtors do not use these no cost strategies? Are Jonesboro Arkansas realtors not confident in their internet skills? Are Jonesboro Arkansas realtors too lazy to put a little work into their business? Or are Jonesboro arkansas realtors just set in their ways and marketing methods?

People start most of their searches online before making a purchase these days. Especially any large purchases. Take your time to educate your customers about how to find a realtor and then how to choose a good one once they find one. If you make yourself that good realtor your customer base will increase.